Apparently there is a Chicago PD officer on motorcycle patrol who knows how to solve that cities violent crime problem in 2 days (reports vary it may take a whole week). All it requires is that the police “take the gloves off”. Personally I had not noticed that much gloves on, but your millage may vary.
The orange shit gibbon has promoted this crap since the early days of his campaign, but no one in the MSM appears willing to confront him ans say bollocks. You are talking out of your ass Mr. President, making shit up, put up or shut up ass wipe (sorry i mean mr. president sir). Either show us this low ranking individual or GTFO.
You know a Baltimore cop was recently found to have planted evidence (it was caught on cam) some poor sap spent 6 months in jail on $55k bail because of it, why has the cop not been charged with possession (apparently that was worth a 10 stretch to the sap that the cops fitted up was facing)? If cops are going to plant evidence can we trust them with gloves off? What did the phantom Chicago officer mean by cleaning things up in a couple of days? Trumpie wants to take the gloves off?The President just told a bunch of cops in Long Island that it was OK to rough up a person in-detention, every cop I know will tell you that once the cuffs are on that prisoner is your responsibility, period, no matter how personally offended you may be by their alleged crime, once the cuffs are on you are there to protect the prisoner, surprisingly they may later be found innocent.
Yet our MSM happily lets this shit ride, who is going to call the Whitehouse and ask them to actually prove any of the crap they have claimed. Is there a motorcycle cop? there were a bunch of people in uniform behind the president when he suggested roughing up prisoners, what happens to them, every body clapped? lets get real, until the MSM actually follow up on some of this garbage tupleforskin gets away with it.
Call Bullshit, in those words, Muchie will understand them, there is racism, authoritarianism, and fascism in our police departments, we do not need to encourage it. We need the fourth estate to stand up to the perps, especially when they are in uniform.